Digital Marketing is sweeping the world. Each industry is outdoing the other digital. Looking at this, you may also feel like going digital in your Pharma Marketing. Hold! Before you take the plunge, checkout if you have the following. If you do, your journey into digital marketing shall be a very pleasurable experience. Take a check. It shall just take 2 minutes 1. Do you have the knowledge of Basics of Digital Marketing: There are several tools in Digital Marketing? Knowing about them shall help you use them appropriately for your specific customer situations 2. Do you know whether and where your Customer Connect Methods are falling short OR need further reinforcements: A quick check - Is the growth in your Marketing Expenditure > or < than sales growth. Number of unmet Key customers for 3 consecutive months (maybe due to attrition or any other. Etc. 3. Do you always think ‘Customer’? Is customer your focal point in all your activities or do you do several marketing things simply because they are almost ritual and have worked in the past? 4. Do you have a clear Uncluttered Analytical Thinking bent of mind - This is for designing specific Customer – Objectives for use in Digital Marketing. Also, this is for analyzing the numeric outcomes in digital marketing 5. Do you have a good command on English language and marketing trends - Critically required. You must have good vocabulary, precis writing skills, knowledge of current marketing trends and marketing words 6. Finally, MOST IMPORTANTLY, are you a good marketer? You must understand and appreciate that Digital Marketing is nothing but an evolved form of conventional marketing. It shall help immensely if you have knack of marketing and have created good communication and operational strategies in the past.