Step 8: Pick an Email Service Provider

One may feel that emailing is simple. One can do it oneself from the Gmail or the Outlook.

But Gmail to Gmail allows 1000 mails in a day. And Gmail to any other email id domain is just 150 emails in a day. Also, 90% of emails from your office mailbox end up either in the Spam or Trash folder.

Which is why you need a email service provider if you want to do the mailing yourself

Some Tips (if you are trying it out on your own)

  • Constant Contact, Sendinblue, Aweber, Hubspot, and Mailchimp are some good email service providers
  • Check out the pricing and read the fine lines about the number of contacts allowed under each pricing scheme.
  • For at least 8 – 10 emails, try it out on your field staff. Go for the FREE package till you have learned all the steps needed in a particular email service provider